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A Holistic Approach to Women's Health

Specialising in Hormones, Gut health, Metabolic, Thyroid, Skin & Fertility.
Individualised & Effective Natural Medicine

Are you sick and tired of not feeling heard, being told 'everything's normal'' yet you feel nothing but 'normal'?​

Are you seeking a natural solution to enhance your body's well-being, from hormone balance and alleviating PMS symptoms, to enhancing fertility, clearing skin, addressing digestive issues like bloating and IBS, improving metabolic health for easier weight loss, and boosting energy and vitality?

You have come to the right place.

Here at Sunstone Naturopathy, we focus on the fundamentals of healing from the root cause for sustainable long-term results. Dedicated to nurturing your body's innate healing processes, we blend the best of evidence based medicine and holistic practices that's individualised to you. We are here to listen, to guide, educate and empower you so that you can take back control of your health and truly feel your best.


Our Specialties

Gut Health & Digestion

Bloating, IBS, Parasites, SIBO, Food intolerances, Candida, IBD & more.

Fatigue & Emotional Health

Chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety, sleep issues and headaches 


Reduce toxin exposure and enhance detoxification and elimination pathways.

Women's Health & Hormones

PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, painful periods, heavy bleeding, irregular or missing cycles, weight loss,  fertility and preconception planning, thrush, BV & more.

Skin conditions

Acne, psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections & rashes

Thyroid Conditions

Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Hashimotos & Graves disease.


Root cause approach for lasting health

As women, life throws unique health challenges our way. The relentless pursuit of achievement often leaves us stressed and exhausted: periods go AWOL, become painful, we battle bloat, fatigue, food intolerances & weight gain. And can we talk about libido? 


Frustrated with elusive answers or the infamous "nothing's wrong" reassurance? It doesn't have to be this way. Natural medicine often offers the tools we need to re-align and provides insights and remedies that conventional medicine might inadvertently miss. It's about embracing a holistic approach that taps into the body's innate ability to heal, offering personalised solutions that go far beyond symptom management.


Meet Allison

Allison is a Women's Health Naturopath, specializing in the intricacies of reproductive hormones, skin conditions, thyroid disorders, and gut health.


Her passion for holistic wellness is driven by a profound belief in the body's innate capacity to heal itself when provided with the right tools and guidance. Allison's approach is a harmonious fusion of evidence-based medicine, functional labs, and a deep understanding of the healing power of nature.

Free Downloads

Check out our resources section for a range of free downloads to offer you a deeper insight into your health & wellbeing.

  • A Natural Approach to PCOS

  • Insights for a Healthier Thyroid

  • Preconception Plan Guide

  • Understanding your Hormones & Menstrual Cycle (including how to chart your cycle).

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What our clients have to say...

Cannot recommend Allison enough! She has been a huge part of our journey to having another baby after a lot of complications and challenges in the middle there, but we are about to welcome our next baby into the world and she’s been a huge help every step of the way. Highly, highly recommend!
~ Anita P
Allison is an incredible naturopath who has helped me untangle the root cause of my Hashimoto's disease. Her expertise and personalized approach have helped me heal and I look forward continuing my healing journey with her. I highly recommend her!
I highly recommend Allison as she has helped me to feel the best I have in many years. Allison investigated the root cause of my symptoms and tailored a treatment plan to address my gut and thyroid issues. I spent years wasting money on supplements that weren’t actually addressing the cause of my symptoms and I only wish I’d seen Allison sooner. I can’t thank her enough for everything she’s done for me.
~ Amanda
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Are you ready to dig deeper and finally find the answers you are seeking?

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